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Monday, February 18, 2013

Happy Presidents' Day!

We’ve not had a president from West Virginia at this time. I hope we do one day during my lifetime.

Our former Senator, the late Robert C. Byrd, was the President pro tempore when the Democratic Party held the majority in the senate. This is a position is given to the most senior senator.

The President pro tempore is also third in line for the presidency. The Vice President is the first in line. The Speaker of the House is second in line.

Many people argue that Lincoln was our best President. Lincoln’s mother was born and raised in the part of Virginia that is considered “West Virginia” today.

John W. Davis is the only person from West Virginia to run on a national ticket for the President of the United States. He ran on the Democrat ticket in 1924. He lost the election to the incumbent President Calvin Coolidge.


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